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How to react if your house land or area is under environmental threat

No one believes it will happen to them, and anyone who reacts to it is branded a NIMPY. No one wants to see the harmony of their home disturbed by an outside threat that may cause health problems, pollute the land, destroy wildlife, compromise the views and seriously lower the value of property and land. It may require money to spend on expensive lawyers, require huge effort,  and cause extreme stress to the whole family.


Unfortunately, the power of corporate business means that often they act with impunity, disregarding the views and concerns of the communities they disrupt because when it isn't on your doorstep it doesn't matter! This happens all over the world. 


This section will be constantly updated to provide up to date help to combat the perpetrators of environmental damage. Don't forget that they have huge experience, money and teams of lawyers ready to prosecute and sue. However, David can beat Goliath with intelligent strategy and PEOPLE POWER. 


We are developing our own general toolkit but for the moment we advise to follow the toolkit for wind turbine threats found in the excellent CLINTEL report (pdf link below). This has been developed for citizens living in Holland but the principles throughout Europe are the same. 



 The CLINTEL toolkit (thanks to Elize Van Hamelen)

Places affected: lago di bolsena, orvieto, Cività di bagnoregio, Pitigliano, Sorano, Ischia di Castro, castel giorgio, Onano, Manciano, Tuscania, Valentano, Canino, Piansano, Montefiascone, Celleno,  Farnese, Cellere, Tarquinia, Latera, Capodimonte, Marta.



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