the problem
Eating healthy food is one of the fundamental necessities of human society. Simply speaking, we have to eat natural food to stay healthy! We are now discovering that high profit intensive agriculture, mono-culture, and genetically modified food production not only provide poor quality nutrition, but in doing so leave soil and lands sterile, with farmers destitute. There have been many research papers, studies, and reports in the media that have informed us these methods have a negative effect on our health. However, there are lobbies from corporate agri chemical companies exerting political pressure on governments, and particularly the EU, with one objective: not to introduce the necessary legal frameworks that prohibits pesticides, herbicides from being used on crops. Even when laws are passed, they are challenged or not effectively enforced. Make no mistake, this behaviour is killing our planet, decimating our wildlife, and will ultimately contribute to the demise of life as we know it, where nature and biodiversity is reduced significantly.

the solution

In Tuscia we are lucky to have fertile volcanic soil and abundant water. We experience four seasons and industrial activity is relatively low. Despite the influx of abundant hazelnut planting we still have the opportunity to decide how best to preserve our lands. Over the last few years there has been an influx of new farmers, young, health conscious, educated, and committed to sustainable production methods and the preservation of the land as a resource to be be shared by all, not exploited by the few.
The solutions are simple:
One: Government bans chemical pesticides and herbicides on food crops
Two: Any farmer who has received the organic subsidy from the EU should be obliged to continue farming organically for the foreseeable future
Three: We need to set up a large protected area within the region where wildlife can proliferate without disturbance from human activity. In Italy they call this a bio-distretto
Four: Introduction of a subsidy for lands that are re-wilded and not cultivated
Five: To put a limit on how much of any crop can be grown in any area