Dottoressa Antonella Litta is an eminent health professional specialising in the relationship between the environment and human health. Much of her research has been around the area of Viterbo including the monocultural hazelnut plantations around Lago di Vico and Ronciglione. She has spent many years studying the environment around Viterbo, Lago di Vico, and Ronciglione, studying the effects of hazelnut monoculture on human health. In April 2017 she organised a landmark conference in Vignanello entitled "Sostenibilità Ambientale e Sociale, la Sfida della Nocciola per i Viterbese". This affirmed a direct link between the monocultivation of hazelnuts around Lago di Vico/ Ronciglione and two health issues:
First: the high number of cancers experienced by people living in the area
Second: the contamination of the drinking water.
In the clip opposite she speaks about these issues in detail
Dott.ssa Antonella Litta speaking on Local TV in October 2019 about health issues related to the monoculture of hazelnut plantations